Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tell me...

This particular post is cute seeing as how I wrote it when there were only 3  Saw movies.  Who woulda thunk there would have been a need for 146,000,000 more?!?  


Okay, so I know that we live in the United States and one of the most precious gifts we've been given are our Constitutional rights.  In these Constitutional rights we're given the freedom of speech and the freedom of press and artistic talent.  I GET THAT... what I don't get however, is how anybody can find so much blood and gore SOO entertaining.  Okay, so if you read this blog, you may have been one of the MILLIONS of people who allowed Saw III to top the box office.  As I'm supposed to be working right now, I took the liberty to visit one of my favorite websites:  It lists movies that are coming out and allows one to view how gory or sexual or violent a movie is before they go see it or allow their children to see it.  Now, I know that God did not make me with a stomach of steel.  In fact, it is the very opposite, its not strong at all... I can't make it through half of the action movies out there and war movies you can just forget (The Patriot and Saving Private Ryan are two that will make me sick every time) (However, I'm a HUGE fan of the Scream franchise, I will watch and own every one that they make, maybe that makes me a hypocrite).  If you've ever been to one of those movies with me, you've witnessed me closing my eyes or covering them up and me turning to you saying, let me know when its over.  Now that that's established... WHY is it SO entertaing to watch a sadistic killer set up these elaborate plans that will evidently murder these unsuspecting people.  I mean, is it really that thrilling to watch these people be so sadistically killed... do you think it gives people ideas?  I mean, I guess in my line of work, I see the worst of the worst and trust me, they do not need ideas.  All I know is that when I'm walking to my car, I don't want to be captured and tortured like some of these people.  Is it NECESSARY to make someone get a key out of a vat of acid to free herself when more than likely her contraption is going to explode killing her anyway?  Is it NECESSARY to  put a man's head in a bear trap and then shoot him in the eye?  Is that NECESSARY?  Now, if you like these movies, I say, more power to you... BUT, does it seriously not make you sick?  I guess God intended us to be different and that is good, but I feel that I am in the vast minority here not liking these movies.  They just do not entertain me.  Give me a romantic comedy starring Matthew McConaughey any day!  That's just my thought... Saw I, II, III GROSS!!! (you can add Texas Chainsaw Massacre (which I watched in disgust)) and Hostel to that list!

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